SHIP FAQs -- Grantee Resource Questions

I received a grant from SHIP.  Can you help me promote it?

It is very important that during the application phase you consider how to promote your project.  Our staff can provide tips and pointers on ways to share your news and you can also find examples of press releases on the SHIP website.  You can also use media such as company newsletters, social media such as Facebook and Twitter as well as your trade associations and unions. Be sure to mention SHIP and share the good news with us when your project gets mentioned.

When can I start working on my project?

Your award notification and agreement will include information and requirements about project start up, along with payment schedule.

How will I receive funding once I'm awarded a grant?

Payments will be made via electronic fund transfer to a non-interest bank account that you are required to set up solely for grant purposes.

How will my grant funding be distributed?  Will I get reimbursed?

The SHIP Grant Program is not a reimbursement program.  You will receive your money in the beginning or throughout the life of the grant.  The milestones you create in your application will be the base of funding disbursement.  The entire amount will be disbursed prior to the final product being completed.

How will L&I know when to disburse my grant money

Key milestones defined in the Attachment C of your agreement are used to create a schedule for payments.

What happens to the products created from my grant project?

All products developed as a result of a SHIP grant will be made available to the public and will be maintained by L&I as public property.  Under no circumstances will any part of the project be copyrighted, patented, claimed as trade secret or otherwise restricted in any way.  All products will be accessible for download from the SHIP website after the projects are completed.

What if I still have questions or am not sure how to proceed?

If you have additional questions please contact the SHIP Program at email: or phone: 360-902-5588.

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